Permits & Forms


To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the forms below or stop into the Village Hall and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms.

Permit Fees Linked Below

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for Golf Carts?

The Village of Mazon allows golf carts to be registered to drive on Village streets. The cost to register a golf cart is $25.00 per year and renewable on May 1. Golf carts may only be driven on roadways where the speed limit is less than 35 miles per hour. Golf carts may cross North Street, but cannot drive on North Street. Golf carts may cross Route 47, but cannot drive on Route 47. Golf carts must follow all rules of the road and are not to be driven on sidewalks or in the park. The registration number assigned by the Village must be displayed on each side of the vehicle. The owner must display the numbers in contrasting and reflective color. Numbers must be 4 inches high and 2 inches wide. All drivers of golf carts and recreational off highway vehicles are required to comply with the Illinois complied status and subject to conditions set forth in 625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1, 625 ILCS 5/11-1426.2, 625 ILCS 5/12-603 and 625 ILCS 5/12-603.1. Please note specific changes regarding the requirement of turn signals, brake lights, seat belts, and child saefty restraints.